bgi sentis™ cancer discovery panel-凯发天生赢家一触即发官网

bgi sentis™ hpv test


human papilloma virus (hpv) infection is associated with nearly all of cervical cancer cases (99.7%) worldwide[1] . identification of hpv is an important tool for screening and prevention of carcinoma of the cervix. the bgi hpv test combines self-sampling technology and genotyping assay to detect 14 most important, “high-risk” types of hpv, including hpv -16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68 and 2 “low-risk” types of the virus, hpv -6, 11.

in many parts of the world, hpv testing has replaced pap smear test as the primary screening test for cervical cancer.

who is the hpv test suitable for?

the american college of obstetrics and gynecology (acog) recommends all women 30 years and older should get hpv testing along with a pap smear test for routine diagnostics. medical experts recommend that women of any age have an hpv test when their pap smear results are unclear.

if a pap is normal, but there is a positive hpv test result, testing should be repeated after a year, as the infection may simply go away on its own. if re-testing still shows an hpv infection, further evaluation is necessary. if abnormal cells are found early, they can be removed before cancer develops. when the pap and hpv tests are done together on a regular basis, cervical cancer can almost always be prevented.


note: this test is considered a screening test, not a diagnostic test. before making any treatment decisions, all patients should discuss their results with their healthcare provider, who can recommend confirmatory, diagnostic testing where appropriate. this testing service has not been cleared or approved by the us fda and is not available in the usa.
  • ta time:

    15 working days

  • sample:

    fta card, dna

  • technology:


why choose bgi sentistm hpv test

  • accurate

  • affordable

  • convenient


ordering the bgi sentistm hpv test is easy
  • step 1

    sample collection (by physician or self-sampling)

  • step 2

    analysis by bgi laboratory

  • step 3

    report delivery

  • step 4

    conduct post-test genetic counseling with patient

[1] tanjila rahman, shahina tabassum, munira jahan, et al. risk of cervical cancer associated with hpv infection among the gynae outdoor patients. bang med j (khulna) 2013; 46:3-6

